Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A little introduction

Well, i figured i would first post a little about myself. I'm Marie, a mother of three and soon to be mother of four, sometimes i can't believe that, four kids. I remember when i was just a mother of one! I've been married for about 6 yrs, and even though we may have our rough times, it's been a wonderful marriage. We had our first in 2000, a girl, Megan she's deffinately a princess, she acts like one, thinks like one, and seems to think that she should be treated like one. I love her to death, but sometimes she needs to be brought down to earth, and her little sassy attitude stopped in it's tracks. Zachary was born in 2003. He was diagnosed with autism in 2006. He's very mild, but behavior changes this past summer have deffinately been leading me to pull out my hair. I don't know what to do about it, and his wonderful teachers are absolutely NO HELP!!!! His stimming has increased, he's hitting, bitting, melting down, having fits, he's a totally different zach. Nikolas was born in 2005, He's my one and only blonde, then odd man out!! Looks like his daddy, and nothing like me, i swear when i'm out with my kids without my husband, people think i adopted him. but he is my mama's boy! very much a trouble maker, in his terrible two's, recking havoc, into everything, i've put locks on all my doors just to keep him out, and keep my sanity in check. Although my kids can run me crazy they can knock me out with their smiles, and i'm sorry mommy, i love you! ahhhh the joys of motherhood!

1 comment:

Slowly Losing My Mind said...

Hello Marie,

Hope you are well! I had a quick question about your blog. Since you have not been active since 2007, are you still using this blogspot address? I have recently purchased and wanted to have continuity. Would you consider closing out your account? Thank you for your feedback :).